Monday, December 4, 2006

Army Must Pull Out of Rural Matabeleland

By Julius Sai Mutyambizi-Dewa
LONDON - Once again the government of Robert Mugabe has deployed its army into rural Matabeleland.
In scenes reminiscent of the start of the Gukurahundi campaign against the people of Matabeleland, members of the military (and propped by their handlers such as Sydney Sekeramayi), are in Matabeleland at the excuse of sovereignty.
It is disturbing that one of the same ministers who were in charge of the “security” portfolio during the genocide in Matabeleland and the Midlands is seeing it very normal that the army is present in the same Tsholotsho area where the bloodiest campaign of the Gukurahundi era was held.
The Army is accused of firing at night to intimidate villagers. It must be recorded that the memories of that barbaric campaign are still fresh in the minds of Ndebele people although the entire world has decided to sweep it under the carpet. Some of the people now left at the mercy of the army are victims of the previous campaign whose call for at least an apology have been ridiculed by the legitimating of the Genocide by one of ZANU PF’s senior leaders and spokesperson, Nathan Shamuyarira.
Statements by Shamuyarira were followed by total silence from other senior figures from Mashonaland such as Robert Mugabe, Joice Mujuru, Didymus Mutasa etc making it clear that when Nathan Shamuyarira spoke he was indeed echoing their concerns.
When the Gukurahundi campaign started, it was under the disguise of helping commercial farmers and protecting the sovereignty of the country. The current campaign is under the guise of “Operation Maguta”, an operation no person in Matabeleland invited from the government. Senior political figures from Matabeleland such as Paul Themba Nyathi have been arrested under trumped-up charges.
The crime of Paul Themba Nyathi, a war veteran and veteran human rights activist (one of the three founders of ZimRights), has been to tell members of the Zimbabwe National Army that they should refrain from beating their fathers and brothers and from raping their mothers and sisters, both legitimate words from a person who gave a lot for the freedom of his country. In the past people from the largely marginalised provinces of Matabeleland have complained peacefully by voting the Opposition.
Their genuine concerns have been that they do not have water to survive, they have complained against the marginalisation of their languages as the government has deliberately destroyed languages such as Ndebele, Kalanga and Tonga by making sure they are not introduced in school curricula in Matabeleland and in the Ndebele speaking parts of the Midlands (the majority). People in Matabeleland have seen their culture eroded and another culture replacing it, they have been humiliated by being shown that they are indeed second-class citizens in their own country.
What is happening in Matabeleland now is a symptom of what has become of Zimbabwe. On 13 September this year (2006) labour leaders were rounded up, viciously beaten, taken to police custody and tormented for more than 48 hours.
They had their clothes taken off and were made to appear inhuman by all standards. This was the reaction of the government to their organising of peaceful protests against rising costs of living and unfair wages, again both legitimate concerns of a labour leadership in a country that we all suffered much to free. On the occasion again their torment was ridiculed as self-inflicted harm by Didymus Mutasa, the Minister for State Security. Yesterday the same minister gave a statement that such or even worse action will be taken against future protesters.
The MDC UK and Ireland wishes to deplore in the loudest of terms this kind of attitude. As Zimbabweans we will no longer stand aside as our Ndebele and Kalanga brothers and sisters are butchered and genocides are committed under our noses. We resolve to join in the fight against repression in Matabeleland and walk the walk if need be. The era when people in Mashonaland, Masvingo and Manicaland regarded what happens in Matabeleland as an Ndebele thing is over, as Zimbabweans we are back to the spirit of the First and Second Chimurenga when the principle was common nationhood.
In the same light we would like to warn the government and its thugs that our leaders are untouchable. Our mothers and sisters are untouchable. Our fathers and brothers are untouchable. We will not allow their continued humiliation and persecution. In urging the Government of Zimbabwe not to continue turning our army into a band murderers and demand that the army be pulled away from the peace-loving people of rural Matabeleland, we want to remind them that Zimbabweans are capable of far worse things than they (the government) would have imagined. We are capable of exploring unseen heights to free ourselves. Yet we remain committed to our responsibilities as a people to give peace a chance, to let the souls of our fallen heroes rest in peace!
Our silence must never be seen as cowardice but just being responsible. Zimbabweans are not cowards, we are the same people who in 1684, led by Tombolaikona Tjimwango (Changamire Dombo) drove Portuguese imperialists away from our country, we are the same people who, led by Mzilikazi, challenged and fought against oppression from Shaka, we are the same people who led by Lobengula, fought against the British in the Anglo-Ndebele War, and led by Mbuya Nehanda and Mkwati fought in the First Chimurenga.
We were led by Joshua Nkomo, Ndabaningi Sithole, Josiah Tongogara, Hebert Chitepo and others to fight for our independence. Recently Zimbabwean soldiers took part in campaigns in Mozambique, Somalia and the DRC. We are the same people, we have the same blood. Robert Mugabe and his cronies do not hire people from other countries to be our soldiers, police and CIO. We are more than capable of doing far worse things than Didymus Mutasa could have imagined in his sleep. If he thinks we are lying “Ngaambozviedza awone chete!”
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